© Museumspark Rüdersdorf

Lost Place Kajak-tour

Exploring industrial history from the water

Glide on the water through the Rüdersdorf Museum Park

Surrounded by water, the museum park is well connected to the surrounding waters on the Strausberger Mühlenfließ with its own small harbor. In the summer months, it is a lively place for social gatherings. 

What' special? 

  • Discovering lost places by kayak
  • Industrial history from a different perspective
  • Guided tour with lots of background information

Have a read: our lake district blog!

© Steffen Lehmann

Schön langsam: Mit einem Kajak durch den Museumspark Rüdersdorf

Die Kajaktour durch den Museumspark Rüdersdorf bietet eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, die Industriegeschichte der Region…

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